Art of Connection


Would you like to explore more connection, relaxation, and pleasure?

Would you like to experience this in your day to day activities?


We support you

in deepening your connection, both with yourself and others. Through body expression, you'll discover the feeling of moving away from overthinking letting you free to embrace your emotions. Our working methods extend beyond dancing; it combines the graceful art of Kizomba with meaningful ceremonies, and intuitive holistic practices in order to  connect you more easily and deeply with your desires.

For more photo's, take a look at:

Holistic methods

Mind-Body -Soul method

This technic combines meditation, mindfulness, body expression, and fun. It is  a wonderful way to develop a deeper understanding of yourself and others involving both our body and mind. Our body is considered a source of wisdom and the gateway to our emotions and experiences. Bodywork helps us become aware of these sensations and use them as a guide for self-discovery and growth. By becoming aware of our body language and that of others, we can reach deeper levels of communication and understanding. 

Energy & Sound Therapies 

Including healing touch and Reiki, a spiritual, vibrational healing practice used to promote balance throughout the human system.


Holistic Massage therapy

Holistic massage is a nurturing touch involving the whole person, affecting all levels, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
This massage is an invitation to consciously feel your body, exactly as it is at that moment. It gives space to investigate how you are really doing and what is palpable in you. Therefore the massage is performed on the part of the body that requires attention at that moment.

 Biologically-Based Therapies

Using plant or other biological materials including herbal medicines and aromatherapy. In a ceremonial setting we invite you to experience the healing effect of the mild medicinal plants such as aromatherapy, cocoa ceremony and mystical Blue Lotus Ceremony.

Movement, dance and fun

are powerful forms of self-expression and liberation. We use Kizomba dance elements that allow us to move our bodies freely in connection with others, express emotions and express ourselves in a way that goes beyond words. Through movement and dance we can get rid of inhibitions, tensions and stress. It gives us the opportunity to be in the moment, to express our creativity and to feel more energetic and alive. Through these practices, we can cultivate self-awareness, deepen our connection with others, and improve our overall sense of vitality, joy, and well-being.

Kizomba  as we dance to express the essence of connection, joy and creativity

By combining

bodywork, body language, movement, dance, fun and holistic practices, we create a powerful tool for personal development, team building and creating a positive work environment. They promote self-awareness, release blocked energies, improve communication and encourage a sense of joy and well-being. This holistic approach invites us to embrace our bodies as a source of wisdom and enrich our lives with spontaneity, expression and joy.

"If you think less, you can do much more than you thought"

We provide different experiences based on movement and fun

  • Company outings / Team building
  • Retreats
  • Kizomba workshops / Bootcamps / Private lessons
  • Coaching (Body-Mind-Soul)
  • Sound expression (Piano coaching / Singing bowls / Mantras / Voice liberation)
  • Cocoa Ceremonies

For more details see: Our Services 


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